There are a few key reasons why DEI strategies fail (see image below).

Here are just a few examples of how Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategies and plans fail:
- Scholars to study why $365M DEI investment into STEM failed to diversify engineering
- Football Association Diversity Code: Clubs collectively fail to meet any recruitment targets
- The Failure of the DEI-Industrial Complex
- Why Do Nonprofits Struggle with Diversity?
- Unconscious Bias Training Doesn’t Work
- Liberty University broke safety laws for years, government asserts
- STEM diversity blockers need strategic fix: review
- Putting diversity to work: An empirical analysis of how change efforts targeting organizational inequality failed
- Diversity, Inc.: The Failed Promise of a Billion-Dollar Business
- Most Australian workplaces are failing to achieve diversity: study
To find more, you can search “fail” in the Not the Only One website.