Being proactive when it comes to Diversity and Inclusion

One of the big takeaways one of the participants in the “Workshop for Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Senior Leadership” was to be proactive...

Resource: Definition of microaggression in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

I made the decision a while ago to redefine what I consider a microaggression in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. To put it simply A...

Practical Diversity and Inclusion hits 6,000 views on figshare

It is nice to celebrate small achievements, especially in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion where things may not always go smoothly! Recently the original CMM...

Resource: Capability maturity model for supporting people from marginalised groups

I think allyship as a general term is one of the core principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is shy I have written...

Diversity and Inclusion Review of the Australian Academy of Science

I recently applied for a diversity role at the Australian Academy of Science. Because I am interested in reviewing organisations I took it as...

Help those “to your right”

I just left a “diversity” chat. I left because I was accused of “skin-deep diversity” from a white male who grew up with a...

Resource: 15 minute introduction to Diversity and Inclusion for workplaces

Based on some feedback I have written a new presentation titled “15 minute introduction to Diversity and Inclusion for workplaces”. I wrote this to...

Resource: Convert position descriptions to be more diverse

As part of the workshop on Improving Diversity and Inclusion in Senior Management, I looked at some existing position descriptions and rewrote parts to...